The thread of the thread of the Thread

When «Fate’s Thread» came to light, a poem made of continuous poems, texts like textures (Plástica & Palabra. Universidad de León, 2005), I had the joy and honor of dedicating it to the poet Hilario Franco and his grand family.

Picking up the thread, years before, 2001, I made up «Om of Carpet» («Om de Alfombra», in Spanish) for Woven abstraction, great travelling exhibition of Teresa Lanceta, friend and master, to whom I offered «The woven weaver»(«La Tejedora Tejida», in spanish), a series of synchrograms for her wonderful work.

In «Crossed Lives» from Roberto González (Active Observatory/ Avila 1.131), I acknowledged the artist Roberto González,  today Roberto Chartam, who following the invisible and leading thread of life, comes from a village from León from the Páramo just as Hilario.

Three months ago, the book Index of indexes from Hilario Franco came to light, poet with whom I set up an unnamed group, because the cocoon of the worm, made with a single silk thread, is anonymous. I have had the joy and honor of writing the postlude of the meta-book written over 32 years, where I proclaim: «All string together» («Todo Hilado», in Spanish)

When in 2017 I observed and recognized the subtle and intense work of Roberto, whom I did not know personally (perhaps won over by the gold-plated neodymium magnets, the Oskar Schlemmer-like delineation of space, and his empty, invisible-visible volumes, I saw that we were facing an important artist who, as he confided to me later, had chosen Ávila to live in, because of its light.

«Sayings of light and love»,

From  San Juan de Fontiveros

see you (veros, in Spanish)


My bedside book, lamp, since youth.

One, Mr. Nobody, has also chosen Ávila, which is «The Way» («La Vía», in Spanish) –Vía Lucis, Unitiva– to live and die –gray thread, continuous– in the aura of the solitary-solidary bird.


Eduardo Scala

The thread of the thread of the Thread

"Littera gesta docet

quid credas allegoria

moralis quid agas

quo tendas anagogia"

"Teach the literal sense

What you believe in allegory

What you do through moral

What you tend to in anagogy"

- Nicolas de Lyra, s. XIV

A.- Fil·i·action

Roberto Chartam, as the son of an abstraction, exposes the invisible; as a son of the Páramo, the evidence / clairvoyance  (evidencia / videncia, in Spanish) in Ávila. Filiation of the indeterminate.

B.- Baste / Unravel

Following the skein, the plot is an action: who builds is the void. Vital praise of what is left exposed. The author, disappeared, is exposed to float in antimatter. Beware, expectant spectator, of the great plot behind the great architecture

C.- Yes·No / Fate

When fates are intertwined, what remains to art? Pulling the thread, what is the function of the artist? When life is woven, what stonemason’s marks will sing?

Keep asking.

D.- The Reaper (La Parca, in spanish) / Des·a·Parca

To the torn thread 



an intricate 

Gordian knot


Hilario Franco Bastelo

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